The partners PH Weingarten/Germany and PH Vorarlberg/Austria have collaborated bringing out their first webinar. Moderated by team PH Vorarlberg the partners invited student teachers and lecturers from Austrian and Germany, not only to learn from the project results and discuss them for the practical benefit in class but also to network across countries. Student teachers who were already familiar with practicing PLCs gave insights into their experiences. Likewise did lecturers from PH Vorarlberg.
We learned both, how beneficial student teachers see the PLC approach, but only after they have tried it out. Just hearing about it doesn’t make enough of a difference. Additionally, the question came up, how much leading into PLC practice is suitable when at the same time self-responsibility is one of the main characteristics of a PLC. It is a balance to find that can be supported by regular steps of self-reflection on the student teachers’ side and regular feedback towards the lecturers.
Somewhat different turned out the webinar with responsible persons of school authority, school heads and researchers. Their discussion after having heard the presentation of the project’s first results turned towards the difficulty to engage schools and the teaching staff into the particular way of PLC-collaboration against the current situation of personnel shortage and social challenges that schools are confronted with.
In an international panel with participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland the situation in the different countries was discussed. It was agreed to carry on the discussion at the Barcamp in October 2024.
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