03 Resources on Teacher PLCs

The following table offers a selection of resources centered on Teacher Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). These materials delve into the development, application, and outcomes of PLCs within teaching environments, providing valuable perspectives for educators at all levels. Whether you are exploring PLCs for the first time or seeking to enhance your knowledge, these resources will support your professional development and collaborative practices.

Bonsen, M., & Rolff, H.-G. (2006). Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 52(2), 167-184.

This German-language article, published in the Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, discusses the concept of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) among teachers. It explores how PLCs can effectively combine teacher development with student learning and contribute to the overall improvement of schools. The article also provides an overview of the research and practical implementations of PLCs, particularly in the context of school development.
Steiner, Michael. (2017). Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften und Professionelle Cluster-Lerngemeinschaften als Modi und Strukturelemente für netzwerkbasierte 0nterrichtsentwicklung und deren Begleitung im Projekt KidZ Wien. In Grünberger, N.; Himpsl-Gutermann, K.; Szucsich, P.; Brandhofer, G.; Huditz, E.; Steiner, M. (Hrsg.): Schule neu denken und medial gestalten. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, S. 320-339. 

The article by Michael Steiner (2017) focuses on the role of the Vienna University of Teacher Education in the KidZ Vienna project, which is about network-based teaching development. The PH Vienna supported regional KidZ schools through process-oriented support, further training and scientific research. The focus was on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Professional Cluster Learning Communities (PCLCs) as key elements for teaching and school development. The article examines how these communities developed, how they influenced the school and teaching development process and how the professional support provided by the PH Vienna promoted school development. 
Ikpuri, E. O., & Peter, G. O. (2024). Professional Learning Communities: A Mechanism for Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Agency. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science, 7(1), 74-81.

This article, published in the International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science, explores how Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) serve as a powerful mechanism for enhancing teachers’ professional agency. The authors discuss the collaborative nature of PLCs, emphasizing their role in supporting teaching practices, improving student learning experiences, and fostering ongoing professional development among teachers. The article also highlights the sociocultural dimensions of agency and the challenges inherent in implementing PLCs, such as time constraints and resistance to collaborative approaches. The authors conclude that PLCs, when effectively implemented, can significantly empower teachers and improve educational outcomes.
Blonder, R., & Vescio, V. (2022). Professional Learning Communities Across Science Teachers’ Careers: The Importance of Differentiating Learning. In STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era: Professional Expectations and Advancement in the 21st Century Schools (pp. 65-89). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29396-3_5

This chapter explores the role of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in supporting differentiated learning across the various stages of science teachers’ careers. It emphasizes the importance of tailoring PLCs to meet the specific needs of teachers at different career phases to enhance their effectiveness. The authors suggest that more research is needed to understand how PLCs can be designed to address the diverse professional development needs of teachers at different stages of their careers.

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