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Updates from LeaFaP – Empowering Teachers and Students

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  • News from our project partners: UMA at the International Conference in Burgos (Spain) 🇪🇸

    The UMA LeaFaP team presented a paper at the international conference in Burgos (Spain), the I Congreso Internacional de Educación de la Universidad Isabel I – Viejos retos y nuevos debates y desafíos de la educación, celebrated on April 25th-26th, where international experts discussed new challenges faced by education. In our paper, we provided an…

  • Gemeinsame Webinar-Reihe der PH Vorarlberg und PH Weingarten 🇩🇪🇦🇹

    Das LeaFaP-Projekt unterstützt Kooperationsgruppen in Kita, Schule und Hochschule, die als Lerngemeinschaften professionell zusammenarbeiten wollen. Als Auftakt laden wir herzlich ein zu zwei 90-minütigen Online-Sessions, in denen Grundlagen der Moderation und Begleitung Professioneller Lerngemeinschaften vorgestellt werden. Verbunden wird dies mit einem regen Austausch. Webinar 1: Studierende, Referendar:innen & Dozierende Webinar 2: Verantwortliche im Bildungssystem, Pädagog:innen & Forschende 📅  Termine: Anfang/Mitte…

  • 04 Webinars for Dissemination and Regional Exchange

    As part of our Erasmus+ project, we are organizing a series of webinars designed to share the project’s findings and foster regional collaboration among educators, school leaders, and other stakeholders. These webinars are a critical component of our effort to disseminate the key outcomes of our work, including innovative approaches to professional learning communities (PLCs)…

  • 02 Focus Group Interviews

    As the second part of the LeaFaP project, we conducted a series of focus group interviews with educators across several countries to gain deeper insights into the experiences, practices, challenges, and needs of those involved in leading and facilitating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). These interviews are a critical component of our research, designed to complement…

  • News from our project partners 🇪🇸

    The paper entitled “Leadership and facilitation of Teachers Professional Learning Communities  (LeaFaP)”, Liderazgo y facilitación de las Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje de docentes (LeaFaP), authored by Elvira Barrios, Mónica Torres, and Carmen Sanchidrián , will be presented at the 1st International Conference on Education organized by the University Isabel I (Burgos, Spain) to be held…

  • Highlights from the Erasmus+ LeaFaP Project Meeting in Malaga 🇪🇸

    From March 13th to 15th, the transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ LeaFaP project took place at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Málaga. The aim of LeaFaP is to train professionals who support groups of teachers forming Professional Learning Communities, encouraging collaborative work, reflective practice, and inquiry. During the meeting, two reports…

  • 01 Literature Review

    As the first part of the LeaFaP project, we conducted an extensive international literature review focusing on the concepts of leading and facilitating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). This literature review aimed to provide a robust theoretical foundation for understanding the role of PLCs in educational settings, with a particular emphasis on inquiry and reflection as…

  • LeaFaP Update 📚

    We are currently investigating the experiences of school leaders, teachers, and student teachers when leading and facilitating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). As part of this work, we are conducting focus groups and interviews in different countries to gather data. This data will be used to create national reports and an international consolidated report, which will…

  • News from our project partners 🇩🇪

    Network meeting of the Professional Learning Communities in the ProLeiKiGs project at the University of Education Weingarten At the beginning of March, heads and educators from daycare centers, schools and universities met at Weingarten University of Education to discuss successful collaboration in a Professional Learning Community (PLC). The occasion was a joint interim assessment of…

  • Transnational Project Meeting in Cyprus 🇨🇾

    📅 On October 19 & 20, all partners met at the European University Cyprus to kick off our project aimed at fostering teacher cooperation to enhance teachers’ professionalization, thereby promoting learning for children.  The project, entitled “Leading and Facilitating Professional Learning Communities in Schools towards an Inquiry-based and Reflective Practice,” #LeaFaP, is funded by the…