LeaFaP Erasmus+ Project
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This webpage reflects the views only of the LeaFaP partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Media, Projektmanagement Tools, Webpage, Social Media
Media Owner and Publisher
Katja Kansteiner
University of Teacher Education Weingarten
Peter Theurl
University of Teacher Education Vorarlberg
Liechtensteinerstraße 33-37
6800 Feldkirch, AUSTRIA
Erasmus+ project LeaFap
Technical Support
The technical support of the WWW server is provided by Thomas Schroffenegger. Should technical problems occur, please send your e-mail to our contact address (contact).
The publishers are responsible for the content and editing of the website.
Conception, Implementation
The content and graphic concept, programming and implementation of the website were realised by the project management and the project team.
Images, Media
Images for the design of the website were provided by the project team. Graphics for the design of the website were also created by the AI image generators Midjourney or Dall-E (all watercolours) or by Thomas Schroffenegger (graphics). Logo by Georg Vith.
All texts on the website have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information. Liability on the part of the publisher is therefore excluded. The links to other websites have been carefully selected. Since the publishers of the website have no influence over their content, they accept no responsibility for it.
Media Owner and Publisher