🇳🇴 LeaFaP at the NEON Conference in Tromsø!
The Norwegian team had the privilege of presenting LeaFaP and sharing the first results with the scientific community. The conference offered a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas and connect with inspiring minds in the unique setting of Tromsø, just above the Arctic Circle.
Highlights from Our Barcamp on Professional Learning Communities
On October 9, 2024, we hosted an inspiring Barcamp where educators and experts came together to exchange ideas about Professional Learning Communities. A big THANK YOU to all speakers and participants who made this event so enriching! Watch the video below for key moments and impressions from the Barcamp. As promised, the slides from our…
October 2024: LeaFaP Barcamp on PLCs
🗓️ Date: 9th October 2024🕒 Time: 16:00 – 20:15 (EET, UTC+2:00)📍 Location: Old Building of the School of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Face-to-Face, Hybrid & Online) Zoomlink Use this link for all online and hybrid sessions. Evaluationlink Use this link for evaluation after the barcamp Welcome to LEAFAP’s international barcamp on “Leading…
🇬🇷 News from our Project Partners in Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (AUTH) held a webinar entitled “Supporting professional learning communities in education” on the 9th of September. The presentation was made by Professor Sofia Avgitidou and supported by Konstantina Iliopoulou. 224 teachers, heads, school advisors and University professors participated at the seminar free of charge. The aims and results of the…
🇪🇸 News from our Project Partners in Spain: Presentation at the #CIMIE24 congress held in Granada in July 🇪🇸
We continue the dissemination of our project by presenting our communication: PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES (PLC) FOR TRAINING IMPROVEMENT IN TEACHING CENTERS, at the #CIMIE24 congress held in Granada from July 3 to 5, 2024. This communication aims to show that the implementation of CPA in schools helps to improve the professional skills of teachers, provides…
Summary of the two first steps of the webinar series in German language by Austria & Germany 🇦🇹🇩🇪
The partners PH Weingarten/Germany and PH Vorarlberg/Austria have collaborated bringing out their first webinar. Moderated by team PH Vorarlberg the partners invited student teachers and lecturers from Austrian and Germany, not only to learn from the project results and discuss them for the practical benefit in class but also to network across countries. Student teachers…
Webinar Invitation from Our Project Partners in Greece! 🇬🇷
Invitation to participate in the webinar for professional learning communities in education (attendance is free – confirmation of participation will be provided). On the 9th of September 2024, at 18:00 until 19:30 we will discuss about professional learning communities (PLCs) in education in the context of an online seminar organized by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.…
News from our Project Partners in Spain: Presentation at CILME Congress 🇪🇸
CEP Málaga and CEP Marbella-Coín recently presented their communication, “Implementing Professional Learning Community (PLC) Strategies to Enhance Leadership in Teacher Training Centers,” at the 5th International Congress on Leadership and Improvement in Education (CILME) held in Porto, Portugal, from May 27th to 29th, 2024. This communication explores the implementation of various PLCs within the Teacher…
Webinar in Norway: Highlights from the LeaFaP Erasmus+ Project 🇳🇴
The LeaFaP Erasmus+ project aims to revolutionize school development and student learning by emphasizing the enhancement of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) through advanced leadership and facilitation. On May 30th, a webinar presenting the first results was held, with a group of 29 principals, middle leaders, teachers, and environment staff from a region in Trøndelag, Norway…
News from Our Project Partners in Austria and Germany: Webinar on PLCs in Teacher Education 🇦🇹🇩🇪
On June 10, 2024, PH Vorarlberg and PH Weingarten hosted an insightful webinar on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in teacher education. Over 100 participants, including students, lecturers, mentors, and teacher trainers, attended the event. Key highlights: 🔍 Presentation of initial findings from the Erasmus+ research project LeaFaP. 💬 Discussions on how to integrate PLCs into…
News from our project partners in Spain: ATEE Spring Conference 2024 🇪🇸
In a collaborative initiative, the UMA, CEP Málaga, and CEP Marbella-Coín presented the paper titled “Strategies employed by external facilitators to support and sustain communities of practice among teachers” at the ATEE Spring Conference 2024, “Teacher Education Research in Europe: Trends, Challenges, Practices and Perspectives”, held in Bergamo, Italy, from May 29th to June 1st. …
News from our project partners in Cyprus and Greece: Webinar on Professional Learning Communities in May 2024🇬🇷🇨🇾
As part of the LeaFaP project, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 a webinar was held on focusing on ‘Professional Learning Communities (PLC) as a means of professional development for educators: European perspective and best practices from various European countries.’ More than 80 teachers participated live in the webinar from allover Cyprus and Greece. During the webinar…
For quick decision makers: Webinar on PLCs for teachers from Cyprus and Greece (held in Greek) 🇨🇾🇪🇸
Webinar, 29 Μαΐου 2024, 18:00 Τίτλος: Επαγγελματικές Κοινότητες Μάθησης ως μέσο επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης εκπαιδευτικών: Ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική και καλές πρακτικές από διάφορες χώρες της Ευρώπης Ομιλητής: Λουκάς Λουκά, Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Επιστημών Αγωγής Περίληψη: Στο webinar θα συζητήσουμε την ιδέα των επαγγελματικών κοινοτήτων μάθησης (ΕΚΜ) ως μεθοδολογία επαγγελματικής μάθησης στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης. Αντλώντας γνώση από ένα αριθμό χωρών στην Ευρώπη…
News from our project partners: CEP Marbella-Coín presenting LeaFaP at the Provincial Conference 🇪🇸
On may 13th, Rosa Arcos, headmistress of CEP Marbella-Coín, presented some guidelines on educational leadership and its development through the PLCs at the Provincial Conference to deepen the professional competencies of school principals. Almost 90 participants were present at this conference where were shown the main principles of the application of Leafap Erasmus+ Project in our geographical area. Starting next…
News from our project partners in Norway: Webinar on Professional Learning Communities in May 2024 🇳🇴
Vi vil med dette invitere ansatte i skoler som har ansvaret for å lede eller fasilitere profesjonelle læringsfelleskap i skolen. Dette er det første av tre seminarer der vi deler kunnskap og resultater fra Erasmus+ prosjektet LeaFaP, Leading and Facilitating Professional Learning Communities in Schools towards an Inquiry-based and Reflective Practice Seminar 1 vil foregå: 30. mai 2024, kl. 09 – 10.30 Seminarets innhold:…
News from our project partners in Spain 🇪🇸
On May 6, a 90-minute online seminar was organized by UMA teachers involved in the LeaFaP Erasmus+ project (Mónica Torres, Carmen Sanchidrián, and Elvira Barrios). The seminar began with an overview of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), followed by presentations on the outcomes of two project activities: the international literature review and the mapping of practical…
Informationen zur deutschsprachigen Webinar-Reihe „PLGs für Professionalisierung und Schulentwicklung“ (PHV/PHW)🇩🇪🇦🇹
Zum Auftakt der 3-teiligen Webinar-Reihe PLGs für Professionalisierung und Schulentwicklung laden wir Personen an den Schulen und in der Bildungsverwaltung sowie Wissenschaftler:innen und Fortbildner:innen herzlich zur ersten 90-minütigen Online-Session ein, in der Fragen der Moderation und Begleitung lernorientierter Kooperationsgruppen in der Schule auf dem Weg zu Professionellen Lerngemeinschaften (PLGs) diskutiert werden. 17. Juni 2024, 16.30-18.00…
Informationen zur deutschsprachigen Webinar-Reihe „PLGs im Lehramtsstudium“ (PHV/PHW) 🇩🇪🇦🇹
Zum Auftakt der 3-teiligen Webinar-Reihe PLGs in der Lehramtsausbildung laden wir Studierende, Lehramtsanwärter:innen, Dozierende sowie Ausbildungslehrkräfte/Mentor:innen herzlich zur ersten 90-minütigen Online-Session ein, in der Fragen der Moderation und Begleitung studentischer Lerngemeinschaften auf dem Weg zu Professionellen Lerngemeinschaften (PLGs) diskutiert werden. 10. Juni 2024, 16.30-18.00 Uhr Wir freuen uns über Ihr Dabeisein. Schnuppern Sie in unsere…
News from our project partners in Spain: Webinar on Professional Learning Communities in May 2024 🇪🇸
El día 6 de mayo, en horario de 9:30 a 11:00, se celebrará un seminario web con el título de Apoyo a las Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje, dentro del marco del proyecto LeaFaP (Leading and Facilitating Professional Learning Communities in Schools – towards an Inquiry-based and Reflective Practice). En este seminario, en el que participa…
News from our project partners: UMA at the International Conference in Burgos (Spain) 🇪🇸
The UMA LeaFaP team presented a paper at the international conference in Burgos (Spain), the I Congreso Internacional de Educación de la Universidad Isabel I – Viejos retos y nuevos debates y desafíos de la educación, celebrated on April 25th-26th, where international experts discussed new challenges faced by education. In our paper, we provided an…