News from our project partners: UMA at the International Conference in Burgos (Spain) 🇪🇸

The UMA LeaFaP team presented a paper at the international conference in Burgos (Spain), the I Congreso Internacional de Educación de la Universidad Isabel I – Viejos retos y nuevos debates y desafíos de la educación, celebrated on April 25th-26th, where international experts discussed new challenges faced by education.

In our paper, we provided an overview of the LeaFaP project, detailing its objectives, activities, and key outcomes. We presented the findings of our literature review on PLC facilitation and leadership, shedding light on best practices and areas for improvement in this critical aspect of professional development. Additionally, we shared insights from our report on the challenges and needs faced by PLC leaders and facilitators, offering valuable insights for capacity building in this area.

The presentation sparked a lively discussion among conference attendees about the importance of collegial professional development and its implications for teacher effectiveness and student learning outcomes. 

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